Saturday, 27 November 2010

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

NEW Point Earnings for Facebook Credits! $15, $25 and $50 Free Facebook Credits

I thought I would post a great forum post by Alerec! As you can see, he has accomplished much and earned plenty of points now. These are VERY reputable offers. YOU MUST be signed up at either or by clicking here before ANY of these will even work! These add up and can be used in the Reward Gallery to acquire $15 Facebook Credits, $25 Facebook Credits or even $50 Facebook Credits Gift Cards. All of these can be redeemed right on Facebook anywhere.

ALWAYS USE SANDBOXIE FOR DOWNLOADS! You then don't have to worry about adware!


-35 Points
Drop Down Deals! (Download and Install!)

-30 Points

-50 Points

-30 Points
Gamebox-Toolbar Download and Install!

-40 Points

Regular Offers/Surveys

-30 Points

-40 Points

-15 Points

-40 Points

-35 Points

-20 Points

-30 Points

-15 Points

-15 Points

-35 Points

-35 Points

-100 Points

-100 Points

-10 Points

-30 Points

-15 Points

-20 Points

-20 Points

-10 Points

-150 Points

-20 Points

-50 Points

-15 Points

Hope you all get more free stuff!
Any problems with any of the links just tell me!

So just log in and search for these. They approve quickly and ADD UP TO PLENTY OF POINTS!

Good hunting!


Friday, 22 October 2010


This is working a charm! 1500 points for easy facebook credits now. They also have other values at 1500, 2500 and 3500 for different amounts. Free facebook credits are better than cheeseburgers!

Ok people! To earn the most points from do the QUIZME, QJNGL, SRUK, PD, RC or QUIZ offers. They pay like 25-100 points each and approve really quickly. Takes about 10 minutes to acquire a NICE chunk of points for a few M2010 boosters or Yugioh packs. There are others out there that also work, but these are consistently good!

Friday, 8 October 2010

How To Earn Free Facebook Credits - NOT the Hello City or Expired Methods

Facebook Credits are a virtual currency you can use to buy virtual goods in many games and applications on the Facebook platform. This includes Kingdom of Camelot, Farmville, Frontierville, Market Street, City of Wonder, My Empire, Mafia Wars and many more.

Many people online claim to have free facebook credit methods, and some of them are true. Free facebook credits are generally given out when a new business joins Facebook and wants to give away free facebook credits to advertise their business - and drive traffic. These however are only given away for a limited amount of time. Consequently, the majority of these free facebook credit giveaways are expires and no longer work - even though people continue to advertise them to drive more traffic to their sites.

There is a universal method for free facebook credits however that never expires and is completely free for numerous reasons. The method im going to introduce is called a GPT site system (get-paid-to) that you can easily earn free facebook credits by doing surveys, fill out free offers, clicking ads, playing games, and spending time on the site. They get paid for advertisements, and you get paid for viewing them - this turns into free facebook credits quickly, legally, safely, and is actually quite fun.

The community is large. Over 1.5 million members are earning free facebook credits, among other things, right now.

So what do you have to do?

First sign up here

It takes two seconds, and you can use a yahoo email if you want to make a new one.

Next, log in and click ‘Earn Points’ or ‘Earn Cash’ at the top left corner. Find something there that has a good reputation and rating. Click it and complete it. Mark it as complete and in 15 minutes to a few hours that amount of rewards (listed next to the item) will be unlocked. Collect as much as you want and cash it out. Log into Facebook and use the free rewards you just earned and acquire the credits. This method then, pays facebook through the FREE rewards you just earned, earning you FREE facebook credits. They are happy, you are happy, and its 100% legal.

I will post more in the coming days on my quest to earning my credits. I currently have eanred approx. $15 worth in 2 hours, which honestly is not bad!

Check out also if you want to see a site dedicated about this information created be a community member.